About me

How crafting effective writing is my most valuable asset. I am Glenn Cooman, as a freelance writer, I am specialized in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), Best Practices for Courses and Materials. Certified by the University of Oregon, American English Institute. I can differentiate between ESP and English for General Purposes (EGP).  I can recognize best practices in ESP for course needs analysis, curriculum design, materials development, delivery, and evaluation.

I can create an initial needs assessment for a specific target learner population. Locate high-quality sources of authentic materials on the internet and local communities to further the development of key professional communication skills and content knowledge. I can adapt texts and select teaching points for local learners. I can create a personalized "ESP Toolkit”, a folder on local computers or flash drives for documents and resources that are useful for creating and delivering their own ESP course.
 I am an article writer for e-learning publications and I can design the complete ESP course. I can exceed deadlines and I am flexible, easy going with people. 
Glenn Cooman – Freelance writer, e-teacher

00597 8935844

